
by Dean Rerekura

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.

Jude 1:2

We live with access to so much, but we still hunger for more.
We have a lot of possessions, but devour the catalogues for the next thing.
We consume heaps, but the supermarket aisles keep us asking for more.
We are connected all the time, but still crave the next newsfeed for FOMO (fear of missing out).

Could it be that even though we have found so much, we still haven’t found what we are looking for?

Might it be that we have sought fulfillment from things that can never give it in the first place?
Have we been digging for treasure in places where it wasn’t in the first place?

We can’t expect to receive outside of God, that which only God can provide.

The God who offers mercy, peace and love – in abundance.

And who wouldn’t want that?!

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.
— Jude 1:2

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