The mystery has been revealed.

by Dean Rerekura

Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.

1 Timothy 3:16

I love a good mystery. And this mystery is the best of them all.
A mystery is something that was once hidden, but is now revealed.
Yes, thats right, what was once the greatest mystery, is now the source of the greatest revealing or revelation.

The mystery was God’s saving of this people, and how he would bring that about.
The revealing is Jesus Christ – who He is and what He did.
He is the God who takes on flesh. You could see and touch him if you were there 2000 years ago.
He is vindicated by the Spirit – that means that if the Holy Spirit is asked to give evidence and state the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – he stands in the dock and He points to Jesus and says, “There He is!”
Then the angels in Heaven take the stand and they declare – “We have all seen him.”
Then representatives of all the nations come forward and state, “We have declared his story to our peoples all over the world.”
Then there are live crosses to those people from all over the world who declare the power of transforming faith that is found in Him alone.
The birth. The life. The words. The love. The grace. The death. The sacrifice. The forgiveness. The access to God. The resurrection. The proof. The ascension to heaven.

Yes. The mystery HAS been revealed. And His name IS Jesus. Do you believe it?
Many, millions do.
So today, wherever you go, take this revelation with you.

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