Faith in God

by Dean Rerekura

The writer of these words asks God to act quickly.
This is a cry out to the God who sees all, to look upon this person in his struggle.
This is a plea to the God who knows everything, to be mindful of the situation this person is in.

Is this not the prayer for us to speak at this time?
To speak words that asks God to do what is in his power to do.
That the God of salvation – would save.
That the God of loving kindness – would be kind.
That the God of grace – would be gracious.
That the God of mercy – would be merciful.
That the God of generous promises – would keep them.
That the God of power – would display it.
That the God of intervention and transformation – would interview to transform.
That the God of glory – would be glorious.
That the God of perfect timing – would act now.

It is not lacking faith to ask God what we know he is capable of doing – that’s the outworking of the very definition of what faith is.

So today, wherever you go, remember that faith in God that might be as small as a seed can change the world.

God bless

Psalm 70

Hasten, O God, to save me; come quickly, Lord, to help me.

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