
by Dean Rerekura

He has alienated my family from me; my acquaintances are completely estranged from me. My relatives have gone away; my closest friends have forgotten me.

Job 19:13-14

You know what it is to be left out.
You know what it is to feel isolated and ignored.
For everyone to be invited and included – except you.
And you know, that there are times when you endure it in the silence, when others are in the conversation, or at the event – and that’s when the loneliness really kicks in.

Families should be close – but yours doesn’t realize it when you are not in the room.
Relatives should be inclusive – but it doesn’t seem to matter if no one has contacted you for months.
Close friends should be, well, close; but too often your friends can have a great time without you.

Sometimes the silence IS deafening.

Let me share this with you:
Jesus knows what it is like to be alienated.
He knows what it is like to be abandoned.
He felt the pain of betrayal.
He suffered being forsaken by his Father.

Yet he says to you, and about you; “I will never leave YOU or forsake YOU!”

He has alienated my family from me; my acquaintances are completely estranged from me. My relatives have gone away; my closest friends have forgotten me.
— Job 19:13-14

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