May God Be Gracious

by Dean Rerekura

His grace is a gift we don’t deserve. His blessings are new every morning. His face shines with the proud admiration of a Father whose child is the apple of his eye.

All this speaks of a God who walks beside us in personal relationship. All this, so that his ways might be known to the nations, to all people.

Tell them, that God’s salvation and acceptance is grace given, not merit based like they are used to. Tell them, that God’s blessings are abundant and generous, and not conditional upon their performance. Tell them that God’s love is high and deep and wide and eternal, and not measured or reluctant or deserved though obedience to some code of conduct.

Today, wherever you go, Jesus is with you always to the end of the earth.

Psalms 67:1-2

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us— so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.

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