He came to save sinners

by Dean Rerekura

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.

1 Timothy 1:15

Jesus Christ came to save the lost. That means he came for me and he came for you.
The writer of this these words, thought about that reality in relation to his own life.
And these words he wrote encourages us to do the same.

We all know that we are capable of wonderful good, but we are also, unfortunately, able to think, speak and do great damage – to ourselves and others.

The Lord Jesus came to save us from our sins.
Jesus came to deliver us from the consequences of rejecting God.
Jesus came to give us forgiveness for our failures.
Jesus came to give us grace for our grumbling and mercy for our mucking up.
Jesus came to redeem us out of our rebellion. Jesus came to lift us out of our lostness.
And now, even the worst is made worthy.
And the wonder of the Gospel is that in Christ, I have everything I need.

This is a trustworthy saying, do you trust it?
This deserves full acceptance, have you accepted it?
Today, in whatever you do, trust and accept God’s love for you.

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