Speak Words of Life

by Dean Rerekura

Lord, how often is this the case, that my words are empty of grace.
Forgive me for my fault, that they are like rock and not seasoned with salt.

Help me see others as you do, and speak words that give life not death.
So many are going around today, with words of condemnation, accusation, expectation.
So many are living today with that sort of self-talk, as well as the talk of others.
We are weighed down with the heavy load of words that are like a chain that enslaves, a pit that entraps, narrating memories that shame.

Yet your grace sets free, your salt preserves and seasons beautifully.
So that your words produce life and light and lessen our load.

So today, help my words be a conduit of your loving-kindness and mercy. Help my words produce actions in me that declare acceptance and generosity.

Today, wherever I go, may I speak like I know The One whose very words are the words of eternal life.

Colossians 4:6

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

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