Standing On Holy Ground

by Dean Rerekura

The commander of the LORD’s army replied, Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy. And Joshua did so.

Joshua 5:15

God is holy.
The place where God dwells is holy.
The life that God touches is holy.

God invites you to take off your sandals, but he invites us to take off much more than that as well.
Take off whatever separates you from the holy.

Take off the arrogance that says you don’t need to trust.
Take off the condemnation that says you don’t need to be free.
Take off the temptation that says you don’t need to obey.
Take off the excuse that says you don’t need to serve.
Take off the baggage that says you don’t need to believe.

You have been touched by God – you are holy ground.

For you are a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a people belonging to God- that you would declare the praises, of him who called you, out of darkness, into his marvelous light. — 1 Peter 2:9


The commander of the LORD’s army replied, Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy. And Joshua did so. — Joshua 5:15

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