One Mediator

by Dean Rerekura

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus

1 Timothy 2:5

A mediator is someone who stands between two people and helps bring them together.
Like a Counsellor, or Negotiator, or an Ambassador.

That’s exactly what the Lord Jesus Christ does.
The God/man stands between God and us.
He represents God to us.
He presents us to God.

There might be many who say that they can bring you closer to God.
But there is only one Mediator who alone brings us friendship with God.
Jesus alone stands in the gap between God’s requirements and our need for forgiveness.
Jesus alone meets God’s righteousness and our need for reconciliation.
Jesus alone is God’s satisfactory sacrifice and the High Priest forever.

There is one God and one mediator between God and us – the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, wherever you go, God is with you, and He is Jesus Christ – Lord and Saviour and Mediator.

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