Sign, Wonder, Kingdom & Dominion

by Dean Rerekura
Daniel 4:3

How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; his dominion endures from generation to generation.

I’m reminded as I read these words of what an absolutely amazing thing it is to be in a relationship with God. I mean, when I think of who God is, and then when I think of who I am – even on my best day – it is absolutely incredible that God would accept me into his presence and adopt me into his family.

I mean, God is so great and powerful.
He creates the world we live in with a word. Not only that, but he keeps the world going, by his sustaining grace.
He heals diseases, feeds the hungry, hears the prayers, and restores the broken in every corner of the globe – today and everyday.
Yes his signs ARE great – and glorious.
Yes his wonders ARE mighty – and many.
Yes his kingdom IS eternal – and exciting.
And Yes, his dominion endures forever and ever.

Oh, let’s remember what happened between the Friday of Jesus’ death and the Sunday of Jesus’s resurrection that brilliantly display this sign, wonder, kingdom and dominion. When the centurion said “Surely He is the Son of God” When the curtain in the temple was torn in two. And in his death and resurrection, which we celebrate this weekend, the Lord Jesus Christ gives me and you – yes even us – an eternal, constant, anytime accessible, life transforming and world impacting, relationship with God.

So today, wherever you go, in word and action, share about your wonderful assurance of forgiveness and eternal life with those around you.

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