Real Gold

by Dean Rerekura

But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.

Job 23:10

Sometimes it seems that no one understand and no one gets it.
Sometimes it feels like no one cares and no one knows.
God knows. God cares. God understands. God gets you.

He knows the way you take. He sees the direction you go.
Just like a butterfly struggling out of a cocoon is part of its strengthening and developmental process, God’s testing is what strengthens and develops us.
It’s the narrow road that trains us to go in the right direction.
It’s the uphill battle that develops our spiritual muscles.
It’s the hurdles on the journey that teaches us endurance and perseverance.

Think about your own journey – Trust, Faith, Hope, Love – those are the fruits of tests and trials.

It makes sense that the one who endures without giving up, gets the gold medal in an athletic competition.

And the one who is tested by God – comes forth as gold – real gold.

I am praying now for you that in your storm clouds, you see (not just a silver) but a ‘golden’ lining.

Real gold.

But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
— Job 23:10

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