Complain or Celebrate

by Dean Rerekura

Lord, I am quick to complain and slow to celebrate.
I can see the dark more easily than the light.
I can hear condemnation louder than compliments.
Sometimes it is easier to see the storm instead of the sun.

Help me remember that you are worthy of praise whether I feel like it or not.
Remind me, when I am in the shadows, that your light never ceases to guide.
Focus my attention, when I fail, that your forgiveness leads to freedom.
Whisper your loving-kindness constantly, especially when I hear how I am below expectation.

When I fall – it is you who picks me up.
When I stumble – it is you who straightens me up.
When I fail, it is your grace that is forever always.
When I doubt, it is your presence that compels
When I stray, it is your assurance that leads me home.
When I am tempted, realign my life so that Christ is more than all.

Today, wherever I go, may my being ‘in Christ’ produce ‘Christ through me’ to others.

Praise our God, all peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. –

Psalm 66:8-9