Pointing The Finger

by Dean Rerekura

Maybe you think that God is unapproachable.
Maybe you think that God is unquestionable.
Maybe you think God is inaccessible.

This verse changes that thinking.
It says what we all need to know.

God is righteous. He does what is right because he knows what is best.
But the world we live in is often unrighteousness, unfair, unkind.
And often it’s the people who do the right thing who suffer while the people who do the wrong thing seem to prosper.
And that leaves a thinking person with a problem.
How can a God who is righteous allow that to happen?

But read the rest of the chapter!
The God who does right can put things right.
The God who knows all things can correct all things.

And where does an unrighteous world and a righteous God collide? – Jesus’ cross.

Only a God who is ‘always righteous’ can do that!

You are always righteous, LORD, when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?
— Jeremiah 12:1

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