Win-Win Situation

by Dean Rerekura
Daniel 3:17-18

If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.

Have you ever been in a situation where you can’t lose?
Like when you are so far ahead on the competition table, that no matter what happens in the last round, you can’t miss out on the title.
Or when you are in the middle of a business deal, and even if the worst scenario takes place, you know you will still end up making a profit.
Or like when you go for a promotion in a company where you already have a job, so even if you don’t get the position, you still have job security.

Those situations that are win-win.
Read the story in Daniel 3 and you get the idea that this is what these guys are saying when they say the words of today’s Verse Watch.
It’s win-win. They know they can’t lose. Either God will glorify himself in intervening and saving them. Or God will be glorified by these guys not bowing down to any god but the True and Living God.

The point for me in this – is how can I, in my days, put myself in circumstances and situations where God will be glorified. And my prayer is- please God help me to do that.

Is that your prayer?

I have friends in the country of Myanmar who live like that every day. They glorify God in their circumstances, whether it turns out well for them or not.
I have friends in my church who inspire me because they glorify God no matter what (in their jobs – and I’m thinking about a doctor friend of mine, or in their homes), and they do it every day.
Maybe you know people like that too.

And it’s win – win for them. We are on the planet to glorify God.
I want to be in situations where God will have to intervene to save in such a way that the world will know that he did it. Or I will stay trusting in him, no matter what the cost, so the world will know that God is everything to me.

So today, wherever you go, let the whole world know that to live is Christ, and to die is gain. It’s a win – win situation. Christ has won – we win.

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