Personal Testimony Challenge

by Dean Rerekura
Matthew 5:6

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Today this is a different sort of Verse Watch, in that it is more of a Verse Challenge than a Verse Watch.

This being Easter week and therefore the most significant week in the year of the church – for it’s this week that we specifically stop, and focus on, and thank God for the death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the life transforming and eternal significance of those historical events. Not that we don’t focus on them in some way every week – but you know, it’s Easter.

So my challenger is this, that you would take your phone or some other videoing device and video yourself sharing your testimony (a testimony is the story in how you became a Christian) and the impact of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection on your life.

At Tho Refuge, we want everyone to hear the Gospel and the difference that having Jesus as Lord and Saviour can make in their lives, but we also want the Gospel to sound PLAUSIBLE. And for that to happen, people need to hear about Jesus from a lot of different people, sharing a lot of different perspectives, and stories from a lot of different backgrounds, of the impact Jesus has made in their lives and not just from the pastor.

So if you are part of The Refuge, or a friend of The Refuge, both near and far, from here or from overseas, the Verse Challenge for us today is to ‘hunger and thirst for His righteousness’ and then SHARE your ‘hunger and thirst for His righteousness’ with me (either via message or email) and online with the hashtags #refugeoranpark and #JesusChangedMyLife and let’s encourage more people to take seriously the claims of Jesus Christ and the message of Easter.

So today, wherever you go, in word and deed, share the truth about Easter with those around you.

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