Being Ready!

by Dean Rerekura

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

Matthew 24:44

We get ready for exams at school.
We get ready for a big day at work.
We get ready for sport on the weekend.
We get ready for a lot of things.

Jesus wants us to be ready for when he comes again.

But how do you get ready for Jesus?

  • Believe in him.
  • Trust in his promises.
  • Receive his grace and love.
  • Invest in his mission.

You know those airplane safety drills?
You have to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you attend to others!
In other words, the best way to be safe is to make sure you yourself are safe, then focus on others.
The best way to be prepared for Jesus is to know him personally, and then to help others to know him as well.

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
— Matthew 24:44

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