
by Dean Rerekura

Go, stand in the temple courts, he said, and tell the people all about this new life.

Acts 5:20

The followers of Jesus in Acts 5 had been rescued from prison. The angel told them to go and share about what God had done.

Go… Tell about this new life.

We also have been set free…
We have been set free from the prison of separation, isolation, and condemnation.
We have been released from guilt, shame, and hopelessness.

And God’s call to us is to ” Go and tell of this new life.”

To those who know rejection – you are loved.
To those who are tired of trying – God’s grace is offered free.
To those who feel condemned – God’s love washes away our guilt.
To those who are broken – God restores us to completeness.

Go – Tell of this new life.

Go, stand in the temple courts, he said, and tell the people all about this new life.
— Acts 5:20

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