The Old Testament

by Dean Rerekura

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Matthew 7:12

What is the Old Testament all about.
The La{“type”:”block”,”srcIndex”:0,”srcClientId”:”cca86ae4-e7d0-4775-81ab-0e650e6b73f7″,”srcRootClientId”:””}w and the Prophets was a way of describing the Bible that Jesus would have read in his day. It’s what we would call the Old Testament.
So if we were to ask Jesus to sum up the Old Testament, this is what he would say;
“Do to others what you would have them do to you.”

Notice what he says because it’s amazing.
But first notice what he doesn’t say.
He doesn’t say “Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you”
You see, that sort of life will let you get away with doing nothing.
But Jesus won’t allow us to get away with just being passive.
The way of Jesus is the way of proactivity.
His command and the command of the Bible is to DO to others what you want others to DO to you.
If you were hungry you would want someone to give you something to eat.
If you were thirsty you would want someone to give you something to drink.
If you were lonely you would want someone to contact you.
If you were sick you would want someone to help you.
If you were suffering you would want someone to come along side you in compassion.
That is what Jesus says we need to live like.
God help us to be the people who live like that.

Oh and notice that God wants us to live in a world that we actually would like the world to be like.

Oh and notice one last thing – notice what it says at the start – “So in EVERYTHING…”

So today, in EVERYTHING you do, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the message of the Bible Law.”

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