The Cry Of The Heart

by Dean Rerekura

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.

2 John 1:3

It’s what we want for the world we live in, and it’s what we need for the lives we live.
For grace, mercy and peace to come to us.
For truth and love to be our experience.

Far too many of us live with a void of these things in our memory.
And yet it is these things that the Creator, Saviour, True and Living God wants for you.

Grace – to encourage us to receive as a gift that which God offers, and not something we work for.
Mercy – to encourage us that our past is forgiven, and not something that we have to pay penance for anymore.
Peace – to encourage us that we do not suffer alone, and pain is not something we have to deal with on our own.
Truth – to encourage us that we have an advocate who is in our side, and justice is not something of a distant memory.
Love – to encourage us that we are valued and wanted, and not something just for the lucky ones.

It’s what God wants for our life.
It’s what God has done for us – in Christ.

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.
— 2 John 1:3

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