Blessed, Secured, Assured

by Dean Rerekura

Yes there is fear. 
Yes there is isolation.
 Yes there is panic buying.
 Yes there is sickness.

But… today, wherever we go, we can slow down and reflect. 
We can look at our neighbours in a new way
. We can wake up to a new reality:
 To how little control we really have and what really matters.

So we pray and we remember that…
Yes there is fear. But there does not have to be hate.
Yes there is isolation. But there does not have to be loneliness.
Yes there is panic buying. But there does not have to be meanness.
Yes there is sickness. But there does not have to be disease of the soul


Lord, wake us up to the choices we make.

A cloud of witnesses cry out that we are encompassed by love. 
And though we may not be able to reach out and hold hands, we can live like we are all one in Christ Jesus. As the verse above says:

In God’s protection, we are blessed.
     With blessings that are generous, abundant, daily, and in Christ.

In God’s salvation, we are secure.
     Guaranteed by grace. Born again, not because of our efforts but because of His gift.

In God’s strength. We are assured.
     Forever rest from the toil. Constant peace from the war. Endless calm from the storm. Eternal life after death.

Today, wherever you go, you can be blessed, secured, assured.

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