Endurance Inspired by Hope

by Dean Rerekura

Today I prayed and gave thanks to God for you.

I spoke to God about your active faith as you endeavour daily to not just be a hearer of God’s word but to put what you hear into practice in your life.

I thanked God for your love and how your love does not just define your feelings, but it defines your life on mission in word and deed.

I remembered before God your eternal hope that endures because you daily focus on what matters for eternity.

I give thanks to God for you as you seek to honour the Lord Jesus Christ with your life. Sure there are times when you fail, but the grace of God in you reminds me that it is not my failures that define me, but it is the Saviour who has conquered sin in place of me, for me, and who is now in me, that defines me.

You encourage me and inspire me to persevere with assurance that what God has begun in me, he is able to complete.

Today, wherever you go, I join Jesus in giving thanks for you my friend.

1 Thessalonians 1:3

We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

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