Peace Holiness Innocence Hope

by Dean Rerekura
1 Thessalonians 5:23

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This part of the Bible reminds me of why I have hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.
This part of the Bible reminds me of why I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
These words let us all know, that God gives us what we are searching for in this time of world wide uncertainty.

The verse speaks about 4 things that we are all wanting, and that God promises, and Easter delivers.

We are all looking for peace – and we are reminded here that God is the God of peace. God gives peace. God is our peace. And with the coming of Jesus came the fulfilment of the promise of peace on earth and goodwill to all.

We are all looking for impact – and we are reminded here that God is a sanctifying (or holy) God who transforms us into holy people, by the gift of making us holy. That by trusting in Jesus Christ who died so that he would take away our sin, and give us his righteousness.

We are all looking for innocence – and we are reminded here that God is a forgiving God who promises to wash away our guilt, by His Son Jesus dying in our place and therefore making us blameless in His sight.

We are all looking for hope – we are reminded here that God promises to give us hope. And that Jesus is our hope because he rose from the dead and gives us assurance of eternal life, and heaven and glory.

Peace. Holiness. Innocence. Hope.
All for us, in The Lord Jesus Christ. All gifts of grace. All ours, ultimately because of Easter.

So today, wherever you go, in word and deed, share the truth about Easter with those around you.

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