Wise and Powerful

by Dean Rerekura

To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his.

Job 12:13

He is all wise:
He knows all things, and always knows what is the best.
He knows all things, and thus never needs to learn or gain insight.
He knows all that we don’t know, and He sees all that we can’t see.

He is all powerful:
He is the maker of all that there is, and this all that there is is in his hands.
He is strong enough to protect, and good enough to guide.
Noting can thwart his purposes, and yet he can thwart the purposes of evil.

He is all power, but we don’t have to be afraid, because he is all wise.
He is all wise, and we can trust him, because he is all powerful.

We look to the cross – and we see power and wisdom combine with mercy and judgement.

And evil is defeated – and hope is attained.

To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his.
— Job 12:13

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