Real Love

by Dean Rerekura

We love because he first loved us.

1 John 4:19

Please look at the verse again. Stare at it. Really try to take it in.

In a world where you might wonder if anyone really loves you – He loves you!
In a life where you are crying out for someone to want you – He wants you!

He loved you first.
He loved you before you did anything to earn His love.
He loved you before you loved Him.

I really hope as you take that in, the force of it really impacts you.

And notice what it means for us – We love!
Not “we should love”, not “we might love”, but “we love”.

Loving others is the natural extension of being loved.
So today, because you are loved by God, love yourself, and love others.

My friend, how can I love you?

We love because he first loved us.
— 1 John 4:19

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