Holding It Together

by Dean Rerekura

From the tribe of Judah will come one who is the cornerstone – the one that determines where all the other stones go. The one that gives everything their position and place. The one from which the line is drawn and the direction is set.

From history will come one who, like a tent peg, will hold everything together. The one who will make everything secure. So that, even when the wind blows and the storms come, we will not be moved, from we have a sure foundation, with roots that go deep into the fertile soil of grace and goodness.

From the front lines of a war zone will come one who is a battle bow. The one who will overcome the enemies. The one who will advance over enemy lines. The one from which the gates and walls of those who oppose him will not prevail.

From the midst of confusion and oppression will come one who sets the standard for leaders and rulers everywhere. The one who leads by serving, and serves by giving, and gives himself for all.

Jesus Christ:
The Lion of the tribe of Judah.
The Chief Cornerstone.
The Protector and Provider.
The Suffering Servant.
The Lord and Saviour.

From Judah will come the cornerstone, from him the tent peg, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler.
— Zechariah 10:4

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