Power of Hope

by Dean Rerekura

These ancient words are as relevant today as they have every been.
They speak of the importance and power of hope.
There is so much about what is happening in our world and in our lives today that we are unable to do anything about.
And the feeling of hopelessness can consume us.

When a virus floods the world like a tsunamis.
When grief floods our eyes with tears.
When the silence of isolation is deafening.
And when the prospect of redundancy fills us with fear.

When the Centrelink queues stretch down the road.
When the stipulations make it impossible to meet face to face.
When the markets don’t have what you need.
When you anxious about how you will be able to meet your costs or feed your family.

When there is all of that and so much more, we are reminded of the power of hope, of the powerlessness from the lack of it.

But these words speak of the presence of hope. Not hope in hope. But hope in the giver of hope, the promise of hope, the embodiment of hope – in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus – with us in our dungeon of despair.
Jesus – Saviour in our culture of condemnation.
Jesus – Lord over our circumstance of suffering.
Jesus – God in the flesh who has come to us, because of us, for us, to be with us.

Jesus – the Living Bread, the life giving water, the light of the world, the wisdom in confusion, the Son of God, and in his death and resurrection, is the hope of humanity.

So today, wherever you go, you do not have to be consumed by hopelessness, for hope is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. And Jesus will never leave you or forsake you.

See you next time

1 Thessalonians 4:13

Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.

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