We can’t guarantee against disease, thieves, rust, global financial crisis, land depreciation. Here, we are called to store up treasures in heaven. How?
By investing in the things that will last forever.
And heavenly investing looks sharing. Sharing resources, sharing time, and sharing stories with others.
It means enjoying a deeper relationship with God by going and seeing what he is doing in the world, and declaring his praises in the every day things.
It means making priorities of, and putting into place now what we will be focussing on in heaven with Jesus forever.
That’s Real life. Those are Real priorities. That’s should be our Real focus.
Yes, that’s reality. So today, in whatever you do, think about how you can give God ETERNAL PRAISE today that will go on into eternity.
Matthew 6:20-21
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
We are all constantly encouraged to store up treasures.
We are encouraged to invest in ourselves, in our future, in shares, in property.
We are encouraged to invest in retirement, holiday accommodation, things that will make life easier, things that will make us more comfortable.
We can’t guarantee against disease, thieves, rust, global financial crisis, land depreciation. Here, we are called to store up treasures in heaven. How?
By investing in the things that will last forever.
And heavenly investing looks sharing. Sharing resources, sharing time, and sharing stories with others.
It means enjoying a deeper relationship with God by going and seeing what he is doing in the world, and declaring his praises in the every day things.
It means making priorities of, and putting into place now what we will be focussing on in heaven with Jesus forever.
That’s Real life. Those are Real priorities. That’s should be our Real focus.
Yes, that’s reality. So today, in whatever you do, think about how you can give God ETERNAL PRAISE today that will go on into eternity.