Everyone Needs Compassion

by Dean Rerekura

Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.

Matthew 20:34

Everyone needs compassion.

Compassion – for those surrounded by a storm that blackens our the light.
Compassion – for those weighed down by the load of expectation.
Compassion – for hearts that are broken by too many unkept promises.
Compassion – for those who have lost hope because the struggle never goes away.

Everyone needs compassion.

What if there is a God who has compassion on us and steps into our world to lead the way?
What if there is a God whose compassion meant that he actually touched that which is broken in our lives?
What if this God not only sees us, but helps us see so we can follow him?

What if this God came so close, that he himself needed compassion, but was willing to be rejected so that we could be accepted.

Maybe you have a story to tell about the compassionate One who stooped down to your level, to look you in the eye, and help you to see.

Everyone needs compassion.
Jesus has compassion, and He touches lives today.

Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.
— Matthew 20:34

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