I love this question that comes out of he lips of the Prophet Jeremiah because it echoes one of the hidden cries of our heart.
Sometimes God seems to be absent. Sometimes he seems to be like a traveling salesman, just passing through, here today but gone tomorrow.
But the reality is very different to the what it might seem.
God is with us, never to leave or depart from our lives.
God isn’t just passing through, he is our ‘every present help in trouble’!
God is no stranger to our pain or distress, but he is ‘our strength and refuge’!
In your hardship and difficulty, in your grief and isolation, in your agony and harassment, God is our Saviour, God is our hope.
Jesus Christ – worthy of your life, worthy of your hope, worthy of your awe, worthy of your all.
You who are the hope of Israel, its Savior in times of distress, why are you like a stranger in the land, like a traveler who stays only a night?
— Jeremiah 14:8